R. Nickles & Company,
Inc. firmly believes one of the
most important services we can
provide is helping a client organize
and make sense of their financial
affairs. Many of the people who
come to us have collections of
securities that were put together
over a period of time with no
real plan or philosophy. The result
is a hodge-podge of investments
that do not work well together
and may not even be appropriate
anymore. Our financial management
philosophy consists of the following: |

If you don't know where you're going,
how will you know when you've arrived?
The development of your financial
objectives provides a road map for
initiating a financial management
program and plays a crucial role in
the monitoring of the progress. Personal
objectives such as the need for liquidity,
growth, current income, retirement
income and safety should be carefully
considered and documented before embarking
on a financial management program.
These objectives should be re-evaluated
on a regular basis throughout a person's

Ongoing, objective monitoring of
the financial management plan is crucial
in order to spot signs of trouble.
Goals and objectives change, individual
asset characteristics change, the
market outlook shifts, or performance
starts to fall off for one reason
or another. All accounts are constantly
monitored for adherence to performance
objectives and benchmarks.