
The first step in the investment
process is a meeting in our
office in which we discuss a
variety of matters relating
to your financial situation.
We will ask you to bring a list
of assets (what you own) and
liabilities (what you owe),
copies of bank and brokerage
statements and information about
any other assets you may have
in order to provide you with
a complete financial management
evaluation. We'll discuss your
plans for the future and any
special concerns you may have,
such as caring for an elderly
parent or minimizing taxes in
the transfer of your estate.
This meeting is an opportunity
to determine if we are compatible
with each other. There is no
charge for this initial consultation.

When a decision is made to proceed,
the in-depth financial advisory process
begins. We will begin to recommend
proposed solutions, not products,
to your financial concerns and indicate
our recommendations for your complete
financial management program. On an
ongoing basis throughout our relationship,
we will keep you informed on all matters
affecting your financial management
program and provide as much education
on the financial management process
as you desire.

In the weeks and months following
the implementation of your financial
management program, you will receive
many documents in the mail. You are
encouraged to call us or our staff
any time you receive something you
don't understand or have questions
about any of the mailings received.
If a major financial event occurs
in your life, such as retirement distribution,
death of a loved one, change in marital
status, birth of a child or grandchild,
sale of a home or business, or an
anticipated receipt of an inheritance,
it is important that you call so we
can properly plan for the event and
adjust your financial management plan
as necessary.

Generally, we will schedule semi-annual
meetings in which we will review your
financial goals, measure your financial
management investment performance
and fine-tune your asset allocation
to make sure you say on track to achieve
your goals.