Three Important Conceptual Aspects to Create a Successful SiteSuccessful Web-site designs are carefully crafted to specifically meet the goals for the site set forth by the entity it represents. I. Superior Design
Production design teams for web sites need to be comprised of a unique blend of knowledge and experience that combines:
Graphics and multimedia are used to enhance: the public perception of the quality class of the organization The visual style is devised to create a cyber environment appropriate to the unique status and "personality" style of the entity represented by the site.(ie. commercial sales bagans, solid trustworthy manufacturer, trendy entertainment, etc.) Technical specialist must have expertise in business systems efficiency that provides an opportunity for a company to integrate the use of their Web site into their business methodology in a way that will increase and enhance their overall effectiveness. II. Dynamic Quality
Web sites and pages need to be designed using the principles that apply to interactive and hypertext media: the same literary and media format found in interactive CD ROMS. These visual and literary design principles are quite different from those used in print media. Web sites and pages need to be authored by writers with demonstrated expertise in educational course writing to ensure that content is presented in a manner and contextural order that is easy for the client to absorb and understand. Technical and artistic expertise combines to devise sites in which:
text and links flow conceptually in a manner that makes it easy for the audience to absorb the intended "message" of the site. Timely content must be incorporated into the site, which will serve the business functionality needs of the site owner and entice the audience to return to the site on a regular basis. Forms are used to facilitate the collection of data for use in company functioning. Message boards and live chat functionalities are provided:
to facilitate the development of a "personal" relationship and a sense of community between the audience and the site owner and also between audience members. III. Ease of Use
A sophisticated understanding of the universal visual language of communication and Human Useage Factors must be employed at all times to ensure that even a novice user can interact sucessfully with the site. All designs and technologies must be carefully chosen and structured to ensure that the look and functionality of the site remains the same regardless of the platform or browser being used to view it: "Branding".. The use of HTML and other coding languages must be carefully considered in relation to the technology available to the sites' target audience.
The ability to code from scratch is imperitive. Authoring software can be used to speed up sturcture layout and page layout, but the fine tuning of layout and page fuctionality can only be done through a thorough control of direct coding. This includes a working understanding of JavaScripting and various CGI. A thorough understanding and faciltiy of all aspects of the use of mulitmedia within web sites is imperitive. This includes, sound and sound editing, 2D animation, VRLM, video and video editing, graphics. For each of these catagories there are mulitiple authoring softwares, file formats, client viewing softwares, delivery technologies, and compression methods. Choices of which combinations to use depend on the specific needs and goals of each site. Additionally, any aspects of business functionality must be crafted to interface with any and all platforms in use at the owner's facility. If you have specific questions
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