Twelfth Night

Shakespeare, Purdue Little Theatre 1978, Dale Miller Director

The construction crew was comprised of the designer, a full time faculty shop manager, a part time professional seamster, a full time intern from the Rhode Island School of Design who was responsible for all the head gear, a student assistant and the usual assortment of students doing required tech crew hours. Costumes made extensive use of a stock set of Knights of Pithias costumes, plus assorted pieces from previous productions. Using painted leotards and tights as the foundation with variations of vests for all the costumes meant that the pieces which needed to be constructed were simple in structure.

Malvolio, dressed in Puritanical simplicity


Authentic treatment of cross-gartered yellow hose appears so outlandish when juxtaposed with the severe Puritanica costume that there is no need for more emblishment to make Malvolio appear absurd.


Sebastian and Feste trade wits.


Sir Toby and Fabian bloster Sir Andrew for the duel.
In this production Fabian was a "fool in training".


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© 2003 Stephanie A. Schoelzel, USAA