ISMT Phase III User Manual>User Saved Reports

In-Service Management Tool

User Saved Reports

NOTE: To return to the Main Menu from any Data Selection Screen, Click on ISMT in the headder banner at the top right of the page.

Select User Saved Reports from the Main Menu.

Click the Go button.

Generated Reports can be saved by Clicking the Save Button on the Report Screen.

Once they are saved, reports can be retrieved through the User Saved Reports Data Selection Screen.

All reports you save will appear on the Saved Report list in chronological order. Each user only has access to the reports they have saved.

  1. Report titles begin with the date and time they were saved followed by the Title you typed into the Title box on the Report Screen.

  2. To view a report Select it from the drop down list and Click the Go... button.

  3. The ISMT application will then regenerate the Data Selection Screen from which the report was originally generated and open a new screen containing the regenerated report.

  4. You may modify the Data Selection Screen to produce a variation on the originally save report.
    Example: Specify a different Date Range.
    1. Close the screen with the original report.
    2. Modify the data selection.
    3. Click the Go... button.

  5. Regenerating the report will take the same amount of time it took to generate the report page originally. Patience is needed.

  6. To Delete a report, Select it from the Saved Report list and then Click the Delete button.

  Developed by SoHaR Incorporated | Send Comments  
  November 3, 2003